Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Marine Phylum Lab

This blog entry will address our experience during our Marine Phylum unit.

Introduction: There are nine types of marine Phyla. These are Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Annelida, Mollusca, Nematoda, Arthapoda, Echinodermata, and Chordata. Porifera refers to sponge-like creatures. Cnidaria are creatures such as coral, sea anemones, and jellyfish. Platyhelminthes are flatworms and tapeworms. Annelida refer to earthworms and leeches. Mollusca include clams, oysters, snails, slugs, octupi, and squids. Nematoda are hookworms and roundworms. Arthapoda include lobsters, crabs, and shrimp. Echinodermata are creatures such as starfish and sea urchins. Chordata refers to fish.

Which Phyla are most represented in quantity at the tide pools? I hypothesize that Mollusca will be present the most at the tide pools. According to the data my group collected; my hypothesis is supported. We found a lot of Pipipi, Mollusca, at the tide pools.
Possible sources of error are: Measuring incorrectly, counting incorrectly, and not collecting data at random times.  Also, we did not get a chance to get data from a fifth quadrat placement, which can change our average.
This was an ejoyable unit in our science class. We go to spend time outdoors while we were collecting data and doing our lab. It was a nice change of pace from our usual indoor experiences. I think I improved my global awareness skills because being outdoors at the tide pools and learning about the different marine species made me more concious of what to look out for at the beach. I also feel I improved my information and research skills because it was our job to indentify the marine phylum before we collected our data and we had to research the phylum to discover what it was and what it looked like.  It was overall an enjoyable lab and it was nice to get some fresh air!

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