Monday, May 16, 2011

Introduction to Marine Plankton

Introduction: Planktons are the basic of the food chain and there are many different species. There two main types of plankton; phytoplankton which photosynthesize and zoo plankton which are heterotrophic. They come in a range of colors and live as plankton for their whole lives or only for a part of their lives. In this lab we will collect data and examine our samples to observe the diversity of plankton in south Maui.

Question: How diverse are the plankton species of South Maui?
Hypothesis/Prediction: I hypothesize that we will find 999 different species of plankton in our samples. If there are 999 different species of plankton in our samples then we will observe 999 different species of plankton.

Materials: Plankton samples, plankton net, ID books, microscopes, slides, cover slips, pipette, pen, pencil.

1) Collect materials
2) Run plankton net through water for three minutes
3) Cap the samples found in the plankton nets

4) Test the oxygen in the water by submerging to the desired depth. Remove
cap and allow the bottle to fill. Replace cap while the bottle is still 
submerged. Retrieve bottle and examine it carefully.

5) Test phosphates by filling test tube (0843) to mark with sample water. 
Use 1.0 mL pipet (0354) to add 1.0 mL of *Phosphate Acid Reagent 
(V-6282). Cap and mix. Use 0.1 g spoon (0699) to add one level measure of *Phosphate 
Reducing Reagent (V-6283). Cap and mix until dissolved. Wait 5 minutes. 
Remove stopper from test tube. Place tube in Phosphate Comparator (3122) with Axial Reader (2071). Fill two test tubes (0843) to the 10 mL line with sample water. Place in Axial Reader. 
Match sample color to a color standard. Record as ppm Orthophosphate. 

6) Test the nitrates in the water by filling the water sampling bottle (0688) with sample water. 
Fill one test tube (0898) to the lower line (5 mL) with sample water. 
Dilute to second line with *Mixed Acid Reagent (V-6278). Cap and mix. 
Wait 2 minutes. Use the 0.1 g spoon (0699) to add one level measure of Nitrate Reducing Reagent. 
Cap tube. Invert tube slowly and completely 30 times in 1 minute to insure complete mixing. 
Wait 10 minutes. Insert test tube into Axial Reader (2071). Fill two test tubes (0898) to 
the 10 mL line with sample water. Place in Axial Reader. Match sample color to a color standard. Record as ppm Nitrate-Nitrogen. 

7) Test turbidity by filling one Turbidity Column (0835) to the 50 mL line with the sample 
water. If the black dot on the bottom of the tube is not visible when 
looking down through the column of liquid, pour out a sufficient 
amount of the test sample so that the tube is filled to the 25 mL line. 
Fill the second Turbidity Column (0835) with an amount of 
turbidity-free water that is equal to the amount of sample being 
measured. Place the two tubes side by side and note the difference in clarity. If 
the black dot is equally clear in both tubes, the turbidity is zero. If the 
black dot in the sample tube is less clear continue on.
Shake the Standard Turbidity Reagent (7520) vigorously. Add 0.5 mL 
to the “clear water” tube. Use the stirring rod (1114) to stir contents 
of both tubes to equally distribute turbid particles. Check for amount 
of turbidity by looking down through the solution at the black dot. If 
the turbidity of the sample water is greater than that of the “clear 
water”, continue to add Standard Turbidity Reagent in 0.5 mL 
increments to the “clear water” tube, mixing after each addition until 
the turbidity equals that of the sample. Record total amount.

8) Test the pH level by rinsing a test tube (0898) with sample water. Fill to 5 mL line with 
sample water. Add one Chlorine DPD #1R Tablet. Cap and mix until 
tablet disintegrates. Immediately insert test tube into DPD Chlorine Comparator. 
Match sample color to a color standard. Record as ppm.

9) Test and record water temperature.
10) Record time, weather and water movement.
11) Return samples to lab.
12) Set up microscopes.
13) When using a compound microscope first plug it into a power socket. Next use the pipette to collect plankton samples and place a few drops onto a slide. Then put a drop of detainer into the sample on the slide. Place the slide under the microscope and turn on the light switch. To focus the microscope use either of the knobs near the front bottom of the microscope.
14) When using a Pro-Scope fit the neck of the microscope onto its body until it is set up. Plug it in and pull up the application on the computer. Next use a pipette to collect a sample and place a few drops into the dish. Place a drop or two of detainer into the dish. Place the dish under the Pro-scope and adjust the neck of the Pro-scope closer or farther away from the dish until it is focused to your liking.
15) Observe and note data.

Salinity- 10%
Temperature- 25.3 ' C
Tide- Low
Wave action- None
Cloud Cover- Medium
Turbidity- OJTU
Phosphates- 2 PPM
Nitrates- 2 PPM
Oxygen- 0 PPM
PH- 7.98

I positively identified six different species of plankton.

Conclusion: How diverse are the plankton species of South Maui? I hypothesized that we would find 999 different species of plankton in our samples. My hypothesis was incorrect because I only positively identified 6 different species of plankton in our samples. Some sources of error may have been poor observations, misidentifying the species, samples were from only one location which may not provide enough variety, some creatures were not slowed by the detain and it made it difficult to properly observe,  and many others.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Beach Profiling

Beach profiling is the intersection of a beach's ground surface with a vertical tool that is perpendicular to the shoreline using a rise and run format. Three factors that could possibly affect beach profiling are: plants that get in the way, uneven surface, and while in the water the waves could have shifted  the rise and run tools.
(Wakea and Jimmy are taking the reading from the rise and run tool, look to step 9.)


1) Find the starting point.
2) Use your GPS to get the coordinates of the starting point.
3) Attach the transect line to the starting point.
4) Use the compass to find the perpendicular area that is towards the ocean.
5) Run the transect tape along the perpendicular path.
6) Place the rise tool at the starting point.
7) Place the run tool one meter away from the rise tool.
8) Confirm that both tools are leveled.
9) Take the reading from top of run tool.
10) Record data on data sheet/journal.
11) Place rise tool where the run tool is.
12) Move the run tool one meter down the path.
13) Repeat steps 6-12 until you reach the foot in the ocean.

(Ryan is leading the transect line to the foot in the ocean, see step 13)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sand Origins

There are two different origins of sand; biogenic and detrital. The chemical reaction between vinegar and sand determines the type of sand. If the sand bubbles when vinegar is added it is biogenic, if it does not bubble when vinegar is added then it is detrital. In this lab we will test different samples of sand with vinegar to determine the origin.

(Big Beach)

Question: Which beaches in south Maui will prove to be biogenic or detrital?
Hypothesis: I hypothesize that Big Beach will be biogenic because of the large amount of reef off of the shoreline and that Black Sand Beach will be detrital because of the many cliffs surrounding it. If Big Beach is biogenic then the sand will bubble when we add vinegar. If Black Sand Beach is detrital it will not bubble when we add vinegar.

Materials: Papette, pencil, sand, vinegar, container, notebook
1. Collect sand from chosen beaches and make observations of the beach surroundings in your journal
2. Gather remaining materials
3. Using the papette add vinegar to the sand
4. Observe any possible chemical reactions
5. Note chemical reactions and use the following formula to determine the origin of the sand
6. 2CH3COOH + CaCO3 ----> Ca(CH3COO)2 + H2O + CO2

(Black Sand Beach)

Field Observations- As part of class on monday, April 11, we headed outside to collect sand samples. I took samples, pictures and observation of the following beaches.
At Keawakapu I observed lava rocks on both ends of the beach and the sand was more a white/tan color.
At Kamaole 1 I observed rocks off of each end of the beach. Signs to protect coral reef suggests that there is a large amount of coral off shore. There was also sand dunes acting as protective barriers from the street.
At Sugar Beach I observed a lot of rocks and the sand was darker than the other sand samples. I also noticed that the water was very murky and I'm not sure what that means, but it might be an indication of animal and water activity which is related to the sand.
Sand Analysis- During class on wednesday, April 13, we tested the sand samples that we collected from various beaches.
The sand from Black Sand Beach, which was dark colored, proved to be mostly detrital because there was a very minimal reaction to the vinegar. The sand from Big Beach, which was a light tan color and more thick than fine, proved to be mostly biogenic because there was a noticeable reaction to the vinegar.

(Photo was taken at Black Sand Beach in Maui, HI. The beach is known
for its dark sand and cliffs surround the left end of the beach.)

     Which beaches in south Maui will prove to be biogenic or detrital? I hypothesize that Big Beach will be biogenic because of the large amount of reef off of the shoreline and that Black Sand Beach will be detrital because of the many cliffs surrounding it. My hypothesis proved to be correct because the sand sample from Big Beach had a reaction to the vinegar, whereas the sand sample from Black Beach had a very minimal reaction. Possible sources of error; sand type varies due to location on the beach, not thoroughly observing the reactions, misreading the sand sample cups lable, being tired because it was early in the morning, not enough vinegar was used, etc.

(Photo was taken at Big Beach in Maui, HI. The picture shows the beach
area as well as the cliff that separates Big Beach from Little Beach.)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Humpback Whale Observation

PURPOSE: The purpose of our Humpback whale observation is to compare and observe the behaviors of the Humpback whale. In doing do we will better understand the Humpback whale.

RESEARCH QUESTION: In which month(s) of the peak whale watching season can the most Humpback whales be seen from land and/or boat?

I hypothesize that the most whales will be seen from land or water during the month of March because the whales that are migrating to Hawaii have already arrived and have not started their journey back to Alaska yet.

(McGregor's point, Maui, HI)

On Monday we had our first outside whale observation at McGregor's point. We used the clinometers that we made in class to get a reading of the distance from our location to the whale that we are observing. It is my favorite activity that we have done this whole school year and probably my favorite activity that I have ever done during a science class. My favorite part was being able to use the binoculars and observe the whales from land. I saw a whale breaching through the binoculars and I thought that was really exciting. The most difficult part was trying to get a reading on our clinometers because it was so windy. We saw a lot of whales and it was a pretty successful day.

Clinometer: In order to find the distance from our location to the whale we used a clinometer. A clinometer is an instrument used in order to measure an angle of inclination. Look through the opening on the clinometer and point it at the whale. Your parter will then get the reading of the angle of inclination. The formula used in finding the distance using a clinometer is: Distance= elevation X tangent (--) or distance equals your elevation times the tangent of the angle of inclination. You can find your elevation using a GPS and you can find the angle of inclination using the reading you get on your clinometer. Example: 30 ft X tan (80) = 170.1 Distance= 170.1


Step # 1: Find a partner. This is crucial to getting an accurate reading on the clinometer.
Step # 2: Gather any materials you might need.
Step # 3: After you have spotted a whale, record the date and time on a data sheet.
Step # 4: Record the number of whales you are observing on a data sheet.
Step # 5: Record the pod type. Is it a competition pod, mother and calf, solo, multiple?
Step # 6: Record the behavior of the whale(s). Is it blowing, breaching, slapping, diving? 
Step # 7: Record the direction in which the whale(s) is/are moving. 
Step # 8: Have your partner read the angle of inclination on the clinometer. Record it on your data sheet.
Step # 9: Use the following formula to get the distance from you to the whale- 
Distance= elevation X tangent (--)
Step # 10: Record the estimated distance from your location with the clinometer instrument.  

This graph of my collected data shows that more whales were seen towards
the middle of the season,  twelve whales in March, than in the beggining of the season,  eleven whales in January.

Conclusion: In which month(s) of the peak Humpback whale watching season can the most Humpback whales be seen from boat and/or land? I hypothesize that the most Humpback whales will be seen during the month of March. 
This is my hypothesis because the whales that plan on migrating to Hawaii during winter have already arrived and are not returning to Alaska until April. My hypothesis was correct because the data proved that there are more whales in March than in January. Possible sources of error are: not enough data collection, misidentification of whale numbers and pod types, complications due to weather, etc.

Super Fun Times on the Whale Watch:  Whale watches have never really been a hobby of mine considering I don't really enjoy being on boats, but this whale watch was a lot more fun than previous whale watches I have been on. For the most part it was peaceful and enjoyable. Time went by faster than it usually does because
we had a task to do, collecting data for our whale labs. Of course it was nice to get outside for class and be in 
the fresh air instead of a freezing, air conditioned classroom and I loved seeing the whales!